ville bara påpeka att ordning och struktur är påväg tillbaka till bloggen, den kommer inte vara så här rörig 4 evaaah. pusshejsvejsosv

"This is a song about, ehm, waking up under a bush. In ýour ex girlfriends garden, this is a song about getting drunk and forgetting that you don't go out with her anymore. Forgetting that she doesn't loves you anymore. So hehe, ehm, so eh, this is about, ehm, this is about wanting to much.
Wanting to be close to someone to much. Wanting to know where they are all the time and when they're going out you're like 'where you going' or 'what time will you be back' or 'I'll come with you' haha. And it's about trying to do the right thing. Trying to withdraw so that you don't love so much. Trying to to go 'okey'. And, and in doing so something inside you just dies and you turn off.
And then, like all things in life, then she falls in love with you and you don't care. And it's a song of hope."

låten börjar 1:23, han pratar fram tills dess. en av sakerna jag älskar med glen hansard är hur mycket av hans hjärta som skiner igenom i sångerna.


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